The strongest of the Whakaora, Sinta is the head of education on the channeling, control, generation and use of mana in life, battle and survival. Sinta has been running education for 276 years, bringing the system further and further into welcoming territories. Because of her special heritage and her husband's own, her children are all indebted to more power than they would have been otherwise, including innate gifts that cannot be removed even by Sinta's own absolute magic. She is the Timber Wolf.
Semir is of a race of beings similar to the titans of our world: the Nusal. They can change their shape as they wish to and always blend into the galaxy they live in rather than wander at their true form — beings large enough to use planets as pebbles. Semir and his brother Quin were magically inclined brothers of the Nusal race that came to the school early on in Sinta's rule. Semir flirted and ... well. Now they're together, forever. 272 years and counting!
Of the siblings, Tama is the most innately powerful. Her magic exists in possibility and unraveling: she can throw a blast of energy that turn an entire population into chaos, or brings them fortune for years to come. Because of this, Tama stays in the schools, teaching now in the WarÏn Ole estate of education. She is the mongoose.
An intergalatic up and coming vocalist, Harana uses her gifts to shape performance spaces and move through universes. She covers in any and every language but always in her own voice; this has made her popular in several galaxies already, though she doesn't come to Earth to do much beyond small shows in island cafes sometimes. Harana has no desire to use her magic to teach, and she does not yearn to learn enough to come into more power. She is the snow leopard.
Quin was an inventor before his older brother told him to come along and try to learn his magic. The education he recieved changed his life: now he is the go-to inventor for new magics the school requires, from safety spells to repairs, room changes, and even new tools and weapons for use in training. Quin himself is jovial when he is immersed in conversation but rather somber when he is left to himself and his own devices.
Atua, or linear god, Marik is like Papa herself — and as Sinta will now be, both head of a bloodline and god unto itself. Marik was a strange case, taken into the T'dao when she died in battle only to eventually find her way to Earth only to be cast into another universe with sea farers and gods. The battle there was endless but welcoming until the next war against T'dao came. Marik was dragged back to Xor Iinek by Papa, to fight on the side of the T'dao. She has since overcome her condition and her family lines across all universes have been clouded in their magic to keep them from T'dao influence. Marik is the tiger shark but thanks to her time as T'dao, she and her line are all caught in shapeshifting into dark forms.
Noch Marua is the White Rhino of the local planet closest to the white sun. He is the prince of his own home and a distant cousin of Sinta's children. In the wars, Noch threw himself before a family blasted by a scorpion t'dao. Though Kilig was able to bring him back from death, the poison ate at his spine and forced a replacement that has stunted his growth. He may reach his full size with magic, but only in short spurts.
Being born deaf, dumb and blind, Kilig required full time supervision the first 7 years of his life. That is where Tanvi came in, educating him, showing him the ways. First, his vision came, and she taught him a universal sign language. Then, his ears, his tongue coming last, and by the time he was 8 years old Kilig was as common as anyone else.
Kilig's best, best friend in all the worlds of all the universes. Asha is a mage of the void and comes from a darker place than Kilig likes to visit but that's fine because she's bubbling light! It was through Asha that Kilig met one of his other best friends — Atlee, Asha's girlfriend. Asha and Kilig took as many courses together as they could manage and, for a time, even lived together as teenagers. Now that he's on Earth, she calls every day.
A rising star of a fighter, Atlee has potential to become a true general of war if the time ever comes to it. Her armor is badass and it was Atlee who was able to build weapons for Kilig that are so custom to his own use and control. She's big on hallucinating, brawls, hunting and just about anything that gets you down and dirty. She also loves Asha like the suns in the sky so, Kilig has always adored her in return. She's one of the few Kriyüvita who don't fight every person they lock eyes with.
Kilig's second boyfriend — but the one he stayed closest to after. Laux is a wild child and Kilig liked the fun of it, the way he'd multiply himself for two men orgies, or new places, new positions. Laux also actually studied as hard as he partied, and he was always inviting Asha to go places, to see and do things, which made him a good thing. Laux's species don't mate for life, however, and it was better to end things before he gave into his desires to stray and be with more mates.
The first boyfirend, Sc'Twi was a sweet and innocent little guy. They knew one another when Kilig first learned to communicate with others fully and it only seemed right for firsts to continue on. Sc'Twi is a battle mage now, more medic than anything, and their differed views on futures were reason enough to break up. Kilig keeps in touch with him for holidays and birthdays but otherwise, they don't speak much anymore.
Recht is a rascal and Kilig loves him. Seriously. There's no one more fun for a party than Recht. Sure, he might steal your jewels, but who cares? The guy is a goofball and always out for making your day better. More than once, Recht has saved Kilig's hide from danger, too, so he's basically a brother just... small, and furry.
Max is a distant relative of Kilig's — Semir's niece's brother married Max's aunt. It's not really blood, but they are both giant based and that's great. Max doesn't like to take on humanoid forms though he Can. Mostly, he likes to run on all fours, and climb around everything. If he's hanging around he's usually... literally hanging, from anything high up.
Tigt was the only student giving Kilig issues when he was going through one of his courses. Such a bright bulb, really. But instead of clashing they became best friends and shared the top mark in the class together — success! He hops along wherever Kilig goes and Takakom are a bit like dogs of Earth. Friendly, bouncy, curious. But they speak aloud and Tigt learned the same AllWorld spell that Kilig knows to be understood by everyone.
NisÆ was a mistake through and through. The first two weeks of dating were nice, normal, with rituals for fun. Then it became a house full of rituals, of practices together, of sacrifice and hallucination mixed into giant orgies even Laux would have backed away from. They do not speak, at all. It's just not worth the trouble of trying to get through.
The favorite professor and first healing professor that Kilig ever had in education. Sariel is kind and luxurious. She drips gold and silk and all of her teaching is profound. Because of her, Kilig was able to harness his gift with such precision that he excelled in all courses there after. Sariel is his go-to for advice when he needs clarity more than reasoning or decisions made on his behalf.
Unlike Sariel, Kaili is rough. Diligence and devotion was all that got Kilig through her courses. But after, when he aced his way through, she softened to him; since, she's always been kind of fun to be around. Sassy, sarcastic. If Kilig had been more interested in women he might have been interested in her. As it stands, she's a bit more like an older sister than she'd ever be a crush.
Vimo is the professor who exudes cool among all the Kai'Lo professors. He's confident and charming, and when he works, he works with his full passion. Though his concentration is darker than others he is kind about it, teaching the nature of using things with respect and tradition. To not challenge nature with mana use but to embrace it fully so that you begin to learn to work through it to more destinations of self and want. Death is the only thing too powerful to cheat and Vimo has taught that well — when Kilig came to full power, he was the first one asking questions.
Carba is a man of forests. The Eelamka do not grow homes but small shelters in land and trees, living as one with all animals, all creatures. Carba because of this teaches the utmost respect of nature, of living beings. He also oversees hunts for game and sport, so that only proper animals are used, only honor killings are made.
4h0n is not the most powerful of the Prouzi but the most versatile by far. She uses magic in such a way that one could never tell what is or isn't just technology and its natural function; the pieces she touches are so enhanced that they are nearly sentient themselves. Under her tutelage, no one has ever gone on to be stumped by any new technology for longer than a few hours.
Lev-Jo is one of the top 100 warriors in the recorded history of the galaxy, and may go on to be the best if she gives up teaching to return to the battlefield. She is powerful and wise about every step she takes. None of her students have ever died in battle, so she is doing something incredibly right; her teaching keeps people not in the bloodsport of violence but the tactic of victory, even if it means running away when you still have hope.
Roum traveled spreading love and want through galaxies until she settled into education of the magic she uses. She's bouncy and her laughter chimes through hallways even on the most serious of exam days. Kilig took her course with Laux and they had a lot of fun using the magic together but it's never been something of much use since then. Roum was one of the professors to defend the times Kilig used his Musical Prank.
Kitka is the most boring professor in all the systems. Strofuga aren't known for their charm but he does have a kind smile and he isn't the worst grade giver that has ever existed. It's just that he is incredibly mechanical and industrious about things. You take his class to learn what's useful, not to take on too many tricks for yourself.
Inus is actually Kitka's lover and it shows in their methods. But Inus has a bit more personality to him, and he likes to be social. Classes in gardens were nearly as often as courses of battle against one another, using brief curses on each other he would remove before the bell. No one has left his class without at least a few tricks up their sleeves.
Billy is obsessed with Earth. No one knows why. He took on an Earth name, he teaches Earth cuisine, he even rambles about it sometimes. The thing that works best with him, however, is his love of history spreads to All other forms of cuisine and home he knows, so he makes sure to touch on every interest of architecture, taste and treat that there has ever been.